Video Consultation Feature Upgrade

We are glad to announce that now appointment-based Video Consultations also have the following capabilities, hitherto only supported in Instant Calls.

Online Provider Waiting Room

Each healthcare provider has their own online Waiting Room in the web app, where they can view patients who have checked in for their Video Consultation appointment. Patients invited to Instant Calls also check-in to the waiting room. Patients can only join the call once the healthcare provider starts it admits them to the call.

Patients can access the provider Waiting Room from the appointment or invitation notification they received and also from their appointment view. Patients can check-in for the Video Consultation by clicking the Join button in time for the Consultation.

Multiple Participants

While a Video Consultation is primarily between the patient and healthcare provider, additional participants can be invited to the call by the provider. This helps to include participants like a family member or another healthcare provider relevant to the consultation etc.

Guest participants will receive an invitation to the call through an email or phone-based notification, using which they can join the call. The healthcare provider will have to admit guest participants as well.

Other Improvements

Other improvements include an Appointment Details view for each appointment and improvements in the video session user interface.

We trust this new update will be helpful for you and your patients and will continue to evolve the Video Consultation feature.


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