Your Virtual Practice Help Center
Getting Started(18)
- Setting Up Contact Us Page
- Setting Up About Us Page
- Setting Up Treatments Page
- Setting Banners on the Patient Portal Website
- Setting Up the Home Page for your Patient Portal Website
- Setting up the Patient Portal Website
- How to Set Up Video Consultations
- White-Labelling your Virtual Practice
- How do I access my Provider and Patient Portals?
Setting up an SMS Gateway Account for Your Virtual Practice
- Getting Started With Your Virtual Practice
- Managing Your Practice Locations
- Setting Up Your Clinic Services
- Setting up Video Consultations
- Adding Team User Accounts and Profiles
- Defining Offered Services and Timings of your Healthcare Providers
- Helping Your Patients to Use the Virtual Practice
- Subscribing to a Virtual Practice Plan
Video Consultations(13)
- Assisted Video Consultations
- How to Set Up Video Consultations
Requirements and Best Practices for Holding Video Consultations
- Attending a Video Consultation session
- Inviting a Patient to the Provider Waiting Room for an Instant Call
- Configuring Tax Rates for services
- Generating Video Consultation Service Reports
- Setting up Video Consultations
- Appointment Calendar Settings
- How Video Consultations Work in the Virtual Practice
- Video Consultations on the Virtual Practice Mobile App
- How to View and Confirm a Video Appointment
- How to resume a Video session if it is interrupted
Text Consultations(6)
- Managing Text Consultation Settings for each Healthcare Provider
- Configuring Tax Rates for services
- Setting up Text Consultations Service in your Virtual Practice
- Benefits of Using the Virtual Practice to Handle Text Consultations from Your Patients
- Managing and Answering Patient Text Consultations in the Virtual Practice
- How Do Patients Ask & Pay for Text Consultations in the Virtual Practice
Managing Your Healthcare Team(11)
- Updating email address of Team Users in Virtual Practice
- Reassigning the Primary Account Owner of Your Virtual Practice
- Helping Healthcare Providers Self-Register to your Virtual Practice
- Managing Text Consultation Settings for each Healthcare Provider
- Assigning Healthcare Providers to Patients
- Configuring Accessibility of Patients
- Defining Roles for Team Users
- Adding Team User Accounts and Profiles
- Defining Offered Services and Timings of your Healthcare Providers
- Managing Your Virtual Practice Primary Account
- Specifying Unavailable Days For Consultations
Billing and Payments(31)
- Integrate Plug’n Pay Payment Gateway With Your Virtual Practice Account
- Discount Management
- Managing Discounts
- Integrate PayNow with Your Virtual Practice Account
- Integrate Your Razorpay Account With Your Virtual Practice Account
- Creating a Discount Rule
- Tracking the Discount Usage
- Integrate Your iPay88 With Your Virtual Practice Account
- Integrate Paynah with Your Virtual Practice Account
- How to Integrate Mobile Money Guyana Payment Gateway with Your Virtual Practice Account
- How to Integrate Lenco Payment Gateway with Your Virtual Practice Account
- Integrate Sparco with your Virtual Practice Account
- Multiple Payment Gateways and Currency
- Integrate PayTabs With Your Virtual Practice Account
- Integrate WiPay with your Virtual Practice Account
- Integrate Ebirr with your Virtual Practice Account
- Integrate Square with your Virtual Practice Account
- Integrate MTN with your Virtual Practice Account
- Generating Video Consultation Service Reports
- Exporting Billing Reports
- Integrate Paynamics with your Virtual Practice Account
- Integrate M-PAiSA with your Virtual Practice Account
Integrate JazzCash with your Virtual Practice Account
- Handling Refunds with Payment Credits
- Integrate SSLCOMMERZ with your Virtual Practice Account
- How to Assign Payment Credits to your Patients
- Integrate Your Stripe Account With Your Virtual Practice Account
- Managing Your Offline Payments
- Integrate PayPal Checkout payment gateway With Your Virtual Practice Account
- Using the Virtual Practice to Manage Billing in Your Clinic
- Integrate Your Paystack Business Account With Your Virtual Practice Account
Patient Health Data & Records(15)
- Patient Health Record Settings
- Client Organizations
- Client Organization Settings
- Patient Account Deletion
- Publicly Accessible Delete Account Request flow in your Patient Portal Website.
- Account Delete Request from Google Play Store (Custom Apps)
- Post-Login Account Deletion Request from My Account Settings
- What happens to the data in my Virtual Practice if I discontinue using the product?
- Managing Patient Data in Your Virtual Practice
- Choosing Measurement Units for Health Data
- Uploading and Accessing Medical Reports
- Maintaining Administrative Patient Details
- Health Journal for Better Patient Collaboration
- Comprehensive Health Profile
- Choosing Health Trackers for Your Patients
Managing Patients and Patient Encounters(22)
- Testimonials Dashboard
- Patient Registration Settings
- Patient Feedback Dashboard
- Patient Account Deletion
- Publicly Accessible Delete Account Request flow in your Patient Portal Website.
- Account Delete Request from Google Play Store (Custom Apps)
- Post-Login Account Deletion Request from My Account Settings
- Patient Feedback
- Updating Email Address and Phone Number of Patients in Virtual Practice
- Handling Patient Account Deletion Request
- Viewing Patient Registration Reports
- Creating Lab Orders
- Managing Family Accounts
- Managing Prescriptions
- Importing Patients to the Virtual Practice
- Adding Patients to the Virtual Practice
- Updating a Patient’s Personal Health Records
- Setting Up Frequently Prescribed Medications
- Creating Patient Categories
- Creating Consultation Notes for Patient Encounters
Sending Patient Notifications
- Prescriptions for Patient Medication
Managing Your Virtual Practice Subscription(10)
- Integrate PayNow with Your Virtual Practice Account
- Setting Up The Virtual Practice For Two Factor Authentication
- Integrate Your Pago Fácil Account With Your Virtual Practice Account
- Adding a Payment method on your Virtual Practice Account
- How am I billed when I change my Virtual Practice Subscription Plan
- How am I billed when I add or remove Team Users in my Virtual Practice?
- What Happens When I Downgrade to a Lower Plan?
- What happens to the data in my Virtual Practice if I discontinue using the product?
- Subscribing to a Virtual Practice Plan
- Managing Your Virtual Practice Subscription