In order to deliver the WhatsApp notifications generated by the Virtual Practice, the message templates must be verified by WhatsApp through Twilio. The following guide explains the recommendations and best practices for submitting message templates. WhatsApp message templates overview
To access the file documenting the Message Templates, please contact our support team via email at
Once you have received the Message Templates, please access the WhatsApp Template section on your Twilio dashboard and update the details from the file by following the guidelines provided below.
File Details
- The Template Name for each template is listed in column B.
- Column C documents the Template Category.
- Column D indicates the language that must be chosen from the Message Language drop-down menu.
- Column E indicates the Message Header type (it should always be ‘None’).
- The Message Body can be found in column F. This text must be pasted into the Message Body field.
- Column G indicates the Message Footer (it should always be kept empty).
- Column H Buttons type (it should always be ‘None’).
- Samples for each placeholder variable within the template are listed in column I.
Key Points
It is essential to note that the remaining fields on the Twilio Message Submission dashboard remain unchanged (The ‘Message header’ and ‘Buttons’ fields should be the value ‘None’. The Message footer field must be left blank).
The message submitted for review must be consistent with the templates that are triggered from the application. As such, it would be beneficial to note the guidelines provided below while submitting the templates. This has been documented based on our experience submitting templates to WhatsApp.
Ensure there are no extra spaces between or at the end of a message template. The message text should be copied and pasted from the document directly into the Twilio dashboard.
Ensure there is no trailing newline (‘\n’) at the end of the body of the template. This normally occurs when you press enter after pasting a message.
Once a Message Template is saved for WhatsApp approval, it is mandatory to add a sample of the content that is planned to send for each variable placeholder. The variables are indicated as double curly braces such as {{1}}, {{2}}…
Even if all WhatsApp-specified requirements are met, WhatsApp reserves the right to reject certain templates. Based on our past experience, the WhatsApp team manually approved such templates when they were escalated to Twilio support. Please inform us if you observe similar behaviour.