The About Us page serves as a comprehensive source of information for visitors, providing details about your field of expertise and the facilities and services offered by your Virtual Practice. To display the About Us page on the Patient Portal Website, simply enable the corresponding checkbox in the Page Settings of the Patient Portal Website and click Save to apply the changes. The page will be visible once relevant content has been added on the Manage About Us page. Additionally, you have the option to enhance the page’s visibility by adding an SEO title, SEO tags, and a description. It is recommended to ensure that your web pages have unique Meta titles and descriptions that are explicit and contain important keywords.
Within the Manage About Us page, you can input a Display Heading and a description. The Text field for the About Us description utilizes Markdown format, which is a user-friendly and lightweight formatting system. The About description text box allows you to preview the added text and provides options to view and enter the text in full screen mode.

The website visitors will be able to view the images and videos added in the Gallery on the About Us Page of the Patient Portal Website. This page also contains the Specializations or Departments of this Virtual Practice.