The platform supports the goal of continuous care for health by providing healthcare providers with a Virtual Practice that enables them to be securely accessible to their patients, through web and mobile services enabling online consultations and remote patient monitoring. The Virtual Practice also supports essential practice management functions and an online presence management for better patient engagement.
While patients are increasing using health sensors, connecting with their doctors and other patients on social media and searching for information online, it is very important to understand that
And this is why the best way to meet the needs of patients and healthcare providers is enable them to securely connect and engage with each other, with proper access to health data.
The ContinuousCare platform has been built by a dedicated team at NeedStreet committed to changing the way healthcare is delivered and accessed. Founded in 2011, NeedStreet is backed by a team who have been working together for over 18 years building innovative technology solutions in different domains. We have lovingly built this product to help both healthcare providers and their patients and are working hard every day to make it better and more useful to it's users. Our team is based in the beautiful, green environs of Technopark, Trivandrum.